Biggest news! I have a new car - new to me anyway. Nerve racking! I just about threw up when I started signing all those papers. And I was nervous as this was the first car I looked at! Now - just seems to me that a person should suffer for a couple of months in the process of buying a car. I knew that I wanted one with enough room for sewing machine plus fabric/clothes/and everything else that one takes to a retreat. Also maybe an ironing board. And - maybe a spinning wheel...I keep thinking about joining a spinning guild. It couldn't be silver (my last one was silver and I never felt safe in it, same color as the roads, the clouds, the rain). And I wanted room for friends to ride and haul their sewing machines too.

The salesman showed me the Kia Rondo - and it was just exactly what I was looking for. Too much I hate to go to work, just want to keep cruising. But now I HAVE to go to work - I have car payments!

I got my flying geese quilt done in time for our guild's quilt show - the 21/22 of May at Kent Commons if you're in the area. Even if you're not - it should be a show worth traveling to see as we have some wonderful artists in our guild. The featured artist this year is Barb Frazier and her work is amazing! Mine will never be that - but done is good too!

And I joined this year's group of round robins at our guild. Only I'm in the group that wanted to do a row quilt. Terrifying! Took me ages to decide what I wanted for my starting row. Now I have worry about making something that will do justice to everyone else's work. Anyway - my starting row is below. We trade every 2 months,and there's only 5 of us, I'll keep you posted.