Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tax Time !@#$#@!!!

Guess what kids - it's tax time. Adding up all the expenses, tracking down receipts, making sure that all the government required forms are all in one spot...but you know what is the hardest part of the whole process? Trying to figure out which software to use.

I have a small quilting business out of my home. But the variations in how the software treats a home business are HUGE! I have no employees, it's just me. I DO take up a large part of my home to do my quilting/sewing - and now knitting. But all the tax forms are written in governmentese and designed for larger businesses. Translating industrial manufacturung supply language to yards of fabric and skeins of yarn is tricky.

So I spent last night preparing, getting everything together and totaled. Now I'm on a mission to pick the software. In the meantime, I might just go knit...heard there's a yarn sale a couple of towns over (does milage count if you're in pursuit of a sale???).

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